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Lateral compression of tubes in SolidWorks

Tips and Tricks Marketing 15 July 2015

Lateral compression of tubes in SolidWorks

Analysis of a circular tube pressed between two rigid plates can be simulated in SolidWorks using the non-linear module. Non-Linear simulation module is available with SolidWorks Simulation Premium.

Study Type – Nonlinear static

Since the stress distribution through thickness is identical, we can use 2D simplification to analyze this study.

Lateral compression of tubes in solidworks

Mesh Type – Solid mesh

Use curvature based mesh with default size and mesh control to refine the mesh for the tube.

Lateral compression of tubes in solidworks

Material Model & Material Properties

Plasticity – von Mises with Stress-Strain curve.

Note: Stress-Strain curve can only have maximum 200 data points.

Lateral compression of tubes in solidworks
Lateral compression of tubes in solidworks

Modeling Hints

Due to symmetry, a quarter of the model can be model to save on computational time. However, this example analysis is of full model.

Restraints and Loads

Lateral compression of tubes in solidworks

  1. Apply a fixed geometry restraint to the bottom plate
  2. Restrict the movement of the tube in X direction using advanced fixtures >> Reference geometry
  3. Restrict the movement of top plate in X direction and 10 mm displacement in Y direction using advanced fixtures >> Reference geometry
Lateral compression of tubes in solidworks

Study Properties

Set the study properties as shown below. Turn on the “Use large displacement formulation” Use Direct Sparse solver. Reduce the initial time increment.

Lateral compression of tubes in solidworks

Adjust the convergence tolerance, Maximum incremental strain and Singularity elimination factor according to your study.


The von-Mises stress distribution for the tube is shown below. The unit is MPa

Lateral compression of tubes in solidworks

The force-deflection curve for the tube can be generated saving reaction force and displacement data from List Displacement and List Contact/ Friction Force. A comparison of experimental vs simulation results showed a good correlation as shown in the graph below.

Lateral compression of tubes in solidworks

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