CamelBak keeps you cool and hydrated with SOLIDWORKS
News • Central Innovation • 27 October 2016
It is here, in dry northern California cost, that CamelBak is working to change the way we consume water. CamelBak bottles are so solidly made because they offer a lifetime guarantee, which helps reduce the filling of landfills as only 10% of disposable water bottles are recycled. However, as important as the reduction of trash, CamelBak is dedicated to hydrating in a way that is safe for both you and the environment.
CamelBak was the first company to create BPA-free water containers. Bisphenol A, or BPA, is an industrial chemical that has been used to make certain plastics and resins since the 1960s. Innovation at CamelBak doesn’t stop there, however. The company’s products are packed with innovative features, I realized after I spoke with the design team. It’s not something you might think about when drinking from a CamelBak water bottle, but someone had to calculate the optimal flow of water when drinking from the patented-bite valve, which was also originally created here.
Durability is another key factor. The design team, including Aaron, Kelsey and Jeff, must design parts not only for production, but also for testing as with a money-back guarantee, they need to be sure these products go through a rigorous amount of testing, so they will create unique assemblies that will be used for running prototypes through all sorts of durability tests.
You may be thinking, “what’s so innovative about water bottles”, but when you think about it – we have been drinking from simple cups forever. 20 years ago, virtually nobody carried around water bottles. CamelBak has re-invented the wheel for hydration, which started with the first patent on the bite valve that you see on many of their bottles. We’re very proud that CamelBak uses SOLIDWORKS products, including SOLIDWORKS Simulation and SOLIDWORKS PDM to drive innovation with a very importing aspect of our lives.
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