RevWorks software is the critical link between modelling software and 3D digitisers and coordinate measuring machines.
RevWorks software provides you the tools needed to collect data in real time from three-dimensional measurement devices.
RevWorks tightly integrates the process of collecting measurements from physical parts within the familiar SOLIDWORKS working environment. With one click you can activate the tools necessary to capture live data from your digitiser directly into the familiar CAD work environment. Your own CAD modelling process drives the creation of parts.
“The end result of the application of RevWorks and a 3D digitiser is a modifiable, history-driven solid model. The resulting editable CAD model is the most talked about benefit gained by RevWorks users.”
For these and many more reasons, RevWorks is an effective, efficient modelling tool that is very easy to learn and apply.
Through the interactive approach of designing, collecting feature data, and making adjustments based on personal experience, RevWorks enhances your ability to quickly capture the design intent of the part being modelled. This real-time interaction leads to improved modelling efficiency and a fast return on investment.
We also provide training and digitising services in support of the efforts of our reverse engineering software clients.
RevWorks is a CAD-Driven Reverse Engineering software solution for SOLIDWORKS users.
RevWorks is a fully integrated Gold Partner solution that empowers its users to utilise a 3D digitiser as a real-time input device for SOLIDWORKS. Physical objects are reverse engineered into a CAD model by applying methods similar to approaches employing traditional hand measurement tools.