DEPCO Studio

  • DEPCO Studio is an all-encompassing, online education tool that delivers enriched media content and tests while also offering all of your lab management needs.

    Scheduling, test taking, record keeping, and messaging organises classrooms and communication between students and instructors in a simple, systematic approach. Deliver DEPCO LLC’s curriculum including Science, Business, Marketing, and IT, Career Explorations, Family and Consumer Science, and Industrial Automation and Pre-Engineering, or customised content and new courses, via DEPCO Studio.

    “Managing a Lab Scheduling, grading, and communicating with students is no longer a complicated process. DEPCO Studio assists instructors by simplifying the classroom management experience.”

  • Straighten your management experience  and optimise your communication with DEPCO Studio.

    • Member Information: create/modify instructors and learners includes personal information, contacts, comments
    • Scheduling: automatic scheduler handles scheduling conflicts and student groupings; simple click and drag assigning; student schedule highlighting for quick reference
    • Reports: Grade report options include class summary grades, student detail grades, student summary grades
    • Schedule Report options include: class schedule by rotation, Individual student schedule
    • Competency and standards correlations
    • Communication: includes welcome announcement screen, built-in messaging system, DEPCO announcement screen for instructors


    Creating a student, class, or course is accomplished with only a few clicks of the mouse. Sending a message to a student or class and announcing new curriculum schedules can easily be accomplished using DEPCO Studio.